Interior Design
Healthy Consulting
Architectural Design
Step Beyond Green ~ to Healthy - 2017
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Visit us @ the 2017 MBA Home Building & Remodeling Show!
January 13-15, 2017
Source 1 and partners are building a 1,800 square foot healthy home (in just 3 1/2 short days!) as the featured area for the Home Show!
2014 BizTimes Health Care Hero Award Winner!
Source 1 Project Solutions received the 2014 BizTimes Healthy Care Hero award for Corporate Achievement in Healthcare. The award recognizes the impact and accomplishments of people and organizations in our community that are making a positive difference in the health care industry. Source 1 received the award for there dedication to creating a healthier work environment by remodeling the office using products with less chemicals, and a process that minimize exposure to construction debris. Read announcement here...
New report: Building pros are prioritizing human health
Building industry professionals and owners are placing increasing attention on health in design and construction plans according to a new SmartMarket report by McGraw Hill Construction. Read more...
Did you know...
Toxic Articles: Toxic Chemicals in the Home News Clip from Boston ABC Channel 5Read More...
From The Source...
What if I told you that the average home has 10 to 100 times more indoor air pollution in it then Los Angeles on a bad day!
Can you believe that?. Do I have your attention?
Healthy Interior & Architectural Design Services & Consulting
Source 1 Project Solutions is residential and commercial construction company that offers design, construction management, and consulting services. We design, remodel and build homes and work places based on your lifestyle needs using healthy materials and processes. Our goal is to create a comfortable and healthier home and workplace for you and your family. Your ideas, choices, and health are taken into account during every step of the process.
Types of projects that Source 1 offers architecural & interior services for:
1st floor remodeling
Kitchen and bathroom remodeling
Basement remodeling
New home construction
Office design or changes
Offcie additions
Office relocations
Warehouse additions
Building conversations
Types of projects that Source 1 offers healthy consulting services for:
People with allergies or asthma
Mold concerns
Recovering from cancer or major illness
People expecting to get pregnant or have a new born or young kids
People looking to live a healthier life
Medical offices
Alternative medicine locations
Companies looking to differentiate themselves from there competitors
Step Beyond Green - to Healthy
Source 1 Project Solutions is stepping beyond "green" and into "healthy construction". Our building practices reduce the amount of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) and chemicals found in homes and workplaces, the best way possible - by eliminating as many VOC's as we can from the start.
Is Healthy Building Right For You, Your Family and Workplace?
Clients that are choosing healthy construction are concerned about the well-being of their family and employees.
According to the experts, many building materials and processes today have chemicals that are causing illnesses in kids and adults, such as asthma, autism, cancer, allergies, constant sinus infections, and reproductive problems just to name a few. Find out if chemicals may be affecting you by answering these four questions, and/or visiting the Source 1 Project Solutions Healthy Page for more information.
Don't forget the pets! Dogs, cats, and other animals are affected by toxic chemical-filled indoor environments, too.
Expertise @ Source 1
Design, construction management and consulting of residential homes and commercial buildings including:
Remodeling & Updating
Consulting - healthy building, feasibility study, competitive bid, buying or selling a home
Building New
We charge a flat fee for services instead of charging a percentage of construction cost.
Are you planning to complete part of the project yourself, or having family and friends help? Source 1 Project Solutions will work with you to plan and manage your project.
Source 1 Project Solutions, Inc. is dedicated to helping people design, remodel and build using healthier building materials and processes. We will make every effort to help you choose healthier options; however, our assistance is not specific medical advice for any one person and/or medical condition. For specific medical advice, contact your physician. The information provided by Source 1 Project Solutions, Inc. is for your information; your decision to apply any information provided is your responsibility entirely.
3315 N. 124th Street - Suite A - Brookfield, WI 53005 | P: 262-402-6600 F: 262-922-4202 | info@source1projectsolutions.com
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