Interior Design
Healthy Consulting
Architectural Design
Step Beyond Green ~ to Healthy - 2017
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Source 1 Project Solutions in educating others about healthy building. Contact us [link to form] to request Source 1 Project Solutions to speak at your event.
Invite Jon to Your Event!
Jon Synovic of Source 1 Project Solutions is sharing the principals of creating healthier home and work environments, and how your members and company can apply them. Healthier home and work environments can reduce some the costs associated with illness.
Jon's relaxed, positive and candid style engages audiences of all ages and professions. Jon shares his years of research and experience with healthy building. You will hear about his firsthand experience with remodeled using healthy materials and processes, and ways that individuals and companies can incorporate healthier practices in the short and long term.
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Source 1 Project Solutions, Inc. is dedicated to helping people design, remodel and build using healthier building materials and processes. We will make every effort to help you choose healthier options; however, our assistance is not specific medical advice for any one person and/or medical condition. For specific medical advice, contact your physician. The information provided by Source 1 Project Solutions, Inc. is for your information; your decision to apply any information provided is your responsibility entirely.
3315 N. 124th Street - Suite A - Brookfield, WI 53005 | P: 262-402-6600 F: 262-922-4202 | info@source1projectsolutions.com
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